Monday, December 31, 2012

cosmic clock

As a nation, we are sick because we don't sleep.  we are fat and diabetic because we don't sleep.  we are dying from cancer and heart disease because we don't sleep.  an avalanche of peer-reviewed scientific papers supports our conclusion that when we don't sleep in sync with the seasonal variation in light exposure, we fundamentally alter a balance of nature that has been programmed into our physiology since Day One.  this cosmic clock is embedded in the physiology of every living thing that exists.
-TS Wiley
aphrodite & laura: "feeling very sleeeeeeeeeepy"

Saturday, December 29, 2012

me + thoughts = love

if you love your thoughts, you love to be alone anywhere with them; you don't have to turn on the radio when you get in the car, or the tv when you get home. the way you relate to your thoughts - that's what you bring to every relationship you have, including the one with yourself.
-byron katie
me + thoughts = love!

Friday, December 28, 2012

we are...

without our stories [believing our thoughts], we are not only able to act clearly, kindly, and fearlessly; we are also a friend, a listener.  we are people living happy lives.  we are appreciation and gratitude that have become as natural as breath itself.
-byron katie
we are!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

four times more!

[Dr. Weston] Price found that all primitive diets contained at least four times the quantity of minerals and water-soluble vitamins as the American diet of his day - which was far superior to that of today's diet. Price, along with other pioneering doctors who studied native cultures during the first half of the twentieth century, found that many of these peoples enjoyed robust health and had excellent physiques - until they adopted what Price referred to as a 'white man's diet' (refined and processed foods that included white sugar, flour, pasteurized milk & hydrogenated vegetable oils).
-paul chek

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


impeccable speech & behavior
refraining from anything that could potentially be considered hurtful
+Deepak Chopra
yayyyyyy spirit!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


1.  go outside
2.  lie down
3.  imagine a cloud picture
4.  concentrate to help clouds form the imagined picture
+dr wayne w. dyer

Monday, December 24, 2012

Here and Now

rocks, plants, and animals still know...
how to be -
to be still,
to be ourselves,
to be where life is:
Here and Now
+Eckhart Tolle

Sunday, December 23, 2012

fire of soul

if you have fire of soul, then Vedic sages say it is reflected in the shining of your eyes.  it's reflected spontaneously in your body language and body movements.  everything you think, feel, say, and do will reflect that same fire.  how does it look? there are no absolutes, but the spirit is reflected in confidence, happiness, good humor, fearlessness, kindness, and thoughtfulness.
+Deepak Chopra

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

cooking class: vegetables

1. GATHER herbs & vegetables made by nature
2.  add fat (
3. add more fat
4. cook, toss, steam, fry, bake, slow cook or leave fresh
5. FEAST with meat in HAPPINESS & JOY

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

cooking class: meat

1. HUNT animals made by nature (
2. put fresh, frozen or thawed meat in crockpot
3. add fat made by nature (
4. add more fat!
5. cook on low for long time

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


B R A V E R Y  !   A M E N ! ! !

F A I T H  4 E V E R ! ! !

H U R R A Y ! !  

A M E N ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Monday, December 17, 2012


what makes a good sausage?
some of the finest sausages in the world are made from simply pork, salt and pepper.  but the pork must be superb; there is a huge difference in quality between the pork from semi-wild Iberian black pigs and that from industrially produced pigs with controlled diets.
+nichola fletcher

Sunday, December 16, 2012

i am that!!!!

i am that involves looking at everything in the world, everyone else in the world, and realizing that you are looking at another version of yourself
-deepak chopra


Saturday, December 15, 2012

100% understanding!

stop talking, stop thinking, and there is nothing you will not understand
-seng T'san

100% understanding! easy-peasy!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

2,000,000 red blood cells!

your body manufactures 2,000,000 red blood cells every second; just look at what you ate and drank in the past 24 hours to see what your new red blood cells are made of!
-paul chek

thank you bone broth made from all the happy animals in nature!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


switzerland's...alpine pastures are the source of many of her best-loved products. traditional swiss food is rustic and regional, as might be expected from a nation of farmers. there is a strong organic and biodynamic movement, and feeling part of nature is important to many swiss families. the tiny eating places nestling halfway up a steep vineyard or carved into caves provide seasonal and regional food
-nichola fletcher

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


happiness is the natural state for someone who knows that there's nothing to know and that we already have everything we need, right here, now.
-byron katie

EVERYTHING ALREADY!!!! thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012


who you are is something grander than the thoughts you think and more divine than the body where the thoughts occur
-dr wayne w. dyer

grand  GRAND   G R A N D E R ! ! !

Sunday, December 9, 2012

a Presence PRESENT

if you knew [the Presence with] you on the Way that you have chosen, fear would be impossible
-dr wayne w. dyer

yayyyyyyyy!  a Presence PRESENT!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Being - self ("I"+"me") = infinite divinity
Being - self ("I"+"me") = complete awareness
Being - self ("I"+"me") = all-knowingness
Being - self ("I"+"me") = forever LOVE
Being - self ("I"+"me") = eternal BLISS

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


question: who are you right now; sitting here without that [stressful] thought?
- byron katie
answer: Complete
- laura

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


i am not my name
i am not my body
i am not my mind
i am not my job
i am not my relationships
i am not my country/race/religion

whew!  this is EASY!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

roast leg of lamb with herbs in the style of castile

Spain is famous for its magnificent roast lamb.  this is especially true in the region of castile, which has an honored tradition of preparing some of the best roast lamb on the planet.  it is impossible to fully recreate the taste of castilian roast lamb in america, unless you could import very young lamb directly from castile.  this is true because the taste of lamb is so dependent on what the lamb eats, and on the size and age of the lamb.  spanish sheep and lambs often graze on pasture that is rich with wild herbs, which impart a wonderful taste to the meat.  even if the lamb is so young that it its almost totally milk fed, the milk would be heavily flavored by the herbs.  the best lambs are very young and very small when they are processed.  spanish lambs are so tender that they are traditionally carved with the edge of a plate. they are roasted simply, with few seasonings.  even the best american grassfed lambs do not eat those wild herbs, and are not processed at such an early age.  this recipe is based on the principle that if the herbs are not in the meat, bring the herbs to the meat....while you will need more than a plate to carve this roast, it is wonderfully tender.

-stanley a. fishman

Sunday, December 2, 2012

hello miracle!!!

hearts found in garlic cloves!
22 november 2012
hudson, wisconsin
hello miracle!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


the words 'fast' and 'food' do not occur together in nature
ts wiley, with bent formby phd