Monday, August 13, 2012


osho tells the story of a man who dreams that immediately upon his arrival at a celestial plane, an attendant informs him that anything he desires will instantly manifest.  the man asks for a meal and the attendant instantly creates a sumptuous feast for him.  the man asks for entertainment and the attendant immediately conjures up a band of actors and musicians to amuse him.  he expresses sensual yearning and beautiful women are instantly manifested to indulge his sexual fantasies.  although he is initially fascinated with his experience, after a few days the man becomes bored and asks the attendant if he can provide some work for him to do.  the attendant politely informs him that he can give the man anything he wants except purposeful activity.  the man replies, "i cannot spend all my time without something useful to do.  i might as well be in hell!" to which the attendant replies, "where do you think you are?"